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Obesity Essay Help

Five years ago, Jane Levine wore a size 38 pants, had frequent heartburn and her energy level was decreasing every day. One day she decided to look in the mirror and couldn’t figure out how it all happened.

At age 45 and 367 pounds Jane was classified as morbidly obese. It made her tired just walking the 3 blocks to work everyday. Finally her friends convinced her to got to the doctor and get checked out. When she stepped on the scale, the first time in 9 months and she was horrified at the numbers she read. She weighed a whopping 383 pounds. Her doctor told her that losing weight wasn’t an option no more it was a matter of like and death. That story leads me into my topic of obesity. I’m going to talk about the problems of being obese the history, and how it is rising everyday in America.

Obesity is a problem of growing significance in our American society. Americans are gaining weight at an alarming rate. Studies show an estimated 61% of all American adults are overweight. About 300,000 deaths are annual in the U.S because of Obesity, second only to tobacco related deaths. Obesity is more common is woman than in men. A study shows that 45.7% of all women are obese compared to the 23.5% of men.

Obesity isn’t just a problem in adults but also in kids and teenagers. 15% of American children between the ages of 6 and 19 are obese. The number of children that are overweight has tripled in the past 2 decades.
The major problem of Obesity is obvious that Americans are just eating too much fast food. We are eating and drinking sometimes 50, 100 or even more calories of food.

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